Personalized Brain Training.
Mobile app designed to boost productivity, earning power, and self-confidence in skills like math, reading, writing, speaking, and memory.
Over 10M users and 20+ app store awards.
Elevate Labs
Lead Product Designer

Workout with personal touch

Mobile app designed to boost productivity, earning power, and self-confidence in skills like math, reading, writing, speaking, and memory.
“I am totally in love with this app. I am on a 312 day streak, and let me tell you this one daily healthy habit I have been doing me wonders with both my personal and professional life!”
User, Sept, 2022

Today’s training is ready

Each days starts with personalized workout creation. User can pick from different workouts from our selection.
6 Workouts
40 Games
86 Study materials

The perfect blend

Each days starts with personalized workout creation. User can pick from different workouts from our selection.

Good personal trainer
keeps you engaged

Multi-channel gamification techniques to keep user on track.

Keeping business in a good shape.

60+ A/B test to find perfect paywall

Product development cycle

Custom design process to collect feedback from all departments.